Add a new channel to your job marketing mix

Boostie places ads across the web that look great, target passive candidates and help you convert more qualified talent with a few clicks.

job marketing

We had a job posting on Indeed for months and had trouble filling it. I was recommended Boostie through a friend and within a few days found a quality applicant that we ended up hiring.

Fiju job

Fiju Job

Executive Asset Manager @ Hutkin Development

Behavioral Targeting

Thousands of audiences.
Millions of potential candidates.

Boostie uses AI to match your job opening to a potential pool of millions of candidates. Put your job ads in front of a relevant audience and drive more passive interest. 

  • Job-level targeting and matching
  • Geographic targeting for more precision
  • Cast a wider net for remote roles

Learn more

nationwide job ad targeting
Automated Ad Delivery

Place your ads on websites and apps across the internet

Our network of websites and mobile apps extends the reach of your job marketing efforts and puts your branded job ads where candidates are really hanging out.

  • ~2 million potential ad destinations
  • Automated ad creation and placement
  • Desktop and mobile ads

Learn more

boostie job ads example
job ad destinations
Applicant Optimization

Turn more clicks into applicants

Reduce fall-off after the click with Boostie's auto-generated landing pages and close the loop between your ATS and website.

  • Simple apply process
  • Mobile-friendy & distraction-free
  • Pre-qualify for every role

Learn more

boostie landing page
So much better when we're together

Integrate your ATS to create a seamless experience between Boostie and your single source of truth.

lever ats logomark


Integrate your open roles in Lever and boost them across the web in a few clicks.

bullhorn ats logomark


Integrate your open roles in Lever and boost them across the web in a few clicks.

xml feed

No ATS. No Problem.

Use the XML feed from your system to pull in jobs and use them for Boostie campaigns.